While swimming in the ocean on your vacation, you felt something brush against your legs … wait … oh no – and a sea creature has pulled you underwater and you lose consciousness. The next thing you know you wake up at the bottom of the ocean in some sea creature’s home – seems to belong to some sort of octopus. Surrounded by sunken items and a set dinner table with 8 plates, it’s clear that this creature is saving YOU as their meal for later.
From what you know about octopi, they are super smart. Now the real challenge begins! Are you smarter than an octopus? Can you escape before the octopus comes back for meal time?
This mission is currently only a 30-minute mission. Looking for a longer version? Stay tuned for the option to double your time and puzzles in a 60-minute escape later this spring.
30 Minute Ratings
Not recommended for more than 4 adults